Malaria diagnostic training in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Pharath Lim/PMI
April 29th was declared as the Day Against Child Marriage in Nepal

Nepal Reducing Child, Early and Forced Marriage Outcome Harvesting Evaluation

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This report and summary brief highlight the outcome harvesting evaluation of Breakthrough ACTION's Reducing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage project implemented in Nepal from 2020 to 2024.
Three workshop participants in NepalBreakthrough ACTION

Nepal Reducing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage Most Significant Change Evaluation

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This report and summary brief present findings from the most significant change evaluation of Breakthrough ACTION’s efforts to reduce child, early, and forced marriage in Nepal.
Religious leader speaking Nepal

Local System Strengthening for Reducing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage Endline Evaluation

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This report and summary brief present key research findings from Breakthrough ACTION's Reducing Child, Early, and Forced Marriage project, which was implemented in Nepal from 2020 to 2024.
Nigerian woman reading a radio script on World Malaria Day
Young woman wearing a Merci Mon Héros t-shirt in the DRCBreakthrough ACTION

Barriers to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Use in the DRC

This review is intended to guide the adaptation and development of updated SBC approaches and tools to promote access to a wide range of FP methods.
Identification des normes sociales ayant un impact sur la capacité des hommes à discuter de la planification familiale en RDC: Application de l’outil d’exploration des normes sociales (SNET)Breakthrough ACTION