Two workshop participants in Tanzania

New Toolkit Helps Break Down Gender Barriers in Vaccine Response

Risk communication and community engagement actors in Guinea and Tanzania are using Breakthrough ACTION’s toolkit to ensure gender-equitable vaccine response.
Two seated women in conversationImages of Empowerment/Getty Images
A Guatemalan grandmother washes the hands of her grandchildBreakthrough ACTION Guatemala

Data Collected by Breakthrough ACTION to Be Useful for Decision Makers for Years to Come

In Guatemala, Breakthrough ACTION created a dashboard that local governments can use to make data-driven decisions in a variety of health areas.
Cover of Using SBC to Foster Trust in SRH

Using SBC to Foster Trust in Sexual and Reproductive Health: Evidence Synthesis and Recommendations

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These reports give an overview of trust determinants and programmatic guidance on how to better foster trust in sexual and reproductive health programs.
A nurse midwife talks to a patient at a health center in IndiaPaula Bronstein/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
Female service provider reviews FP/SR information with a young manBreakthrough ACTION

Resources and Opportunities to Support and Invest in SBC for FP/RH

These three resources can help you make the case with decision makers and service providers to invest in social and behavior change for family planning.
A university student participates in a co-design workshop in RwandaYagazie Emezi/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Applying Human-Centered Design to Improve Nutrition Programming Online Course

This course supports SBC programs by providing an overview of how to use human-centered design (HCD) to address nutrition-related behavioral challenges.
Female Empathways participants in NepalJhpiego for USAID ARH

Starting Off Right: Mentorship Begins With Empathy

In Nepal, Jhpiego is using a card activity developed by Breakthrough ACTION to empower adolescents to choose and practice healthy reproductive behaviors.
Homme et femme utilisant un tableau à feuilles mobiles pour un brainstormingTim Werwie/Breakthrough ACTION

Planning and Implementing Family Planning and Reproductive Health Social and Behavior Change Programs Online Course

Ce cours guide les apprenants à travers les processus de définition des problèmes de santé, de test des interventions, et d'amélioration des prototypes.