Three people in front of microphones as part of the Merci Mon Héros campaignBreakthrough ACTION

Merci Mon Héros

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This multifaceted campaign brought young people and adults together to increase social acceptance of youth access to FP/RH information and services.
Woman with a microphone outdoors wearing a face maskWest Africa Breakthrough ACTION

WABA Community Engagement to Identify and Address Barriers

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This community engagement approach leverages community strengths and resources to address local challenges rather than relying on external support.
Four people walking outside and talking with face masks onDjibril Ouro-Ngao
Woman walking past Confiance Totale bannerWest Africa Breakthrough ACTION

Confiance Totale Family Planning Demand Generation Campaign

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These campaign materials, in French and local languages, promote the safety and efficacy of family planning, health centers, and health care providers.
On November 7–9, 2023, the RBM Partnership to End Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Working Group, held its 10th Annual Meeting in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Connecting, Learning, and Collaborating to Achieve Zero Malaria Through Social and Behavior Change

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Working's 10th Annual Meeting brought over 130 SBC experts together to learn from each other.
Graphic of two women doing research
People clapping in a health care facilityPhoto credit: West Africa Breakthrough ACTION
Four people work together around a computer in Guinea

Outcome Harvesting in Guinea Reveals the Depth of the Breakthrough ACTION’s Impact

In Guinea, Breakthrough ACTION used outcome harvesting, a flexible and retrospective monitoring method, to capture activity impact.
Les participants à l'atelier en Tanzanie

Une Nouvelle Boîte à Outils Permet d’Éliminer les Barrières Liées au Genre dans la Riposte Vaccinale

Les personnes chargées de la communication sur les risques utilisent cette boîte à outils pour garantir une réponse vaccinale équitable pour les femmes.