Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange logo

Reproductive Health Innovation Exchange

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This page features factsheets and videos about 16 innovative applications of social and behavior change approaches for family planning and reproductive health.
Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map website

Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map

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This tool helps family planning and reproductive health program designers think more holistically about provider behavior change.
Cover of Guide pratique : Intégrer les normes sociales dans les programmes de CSC
Malaria SBC Evidence Journal Club YouTube playlist

Malaria SBC Evidence Journal Club

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SBC practitioners from around the globe discussed articles about the impact of malaria SBC. The article, recordings, and discussion recaps are shared here.
Cover of Getting Practical: Integrating Social Norms into SBC

Getting Practical: Integrating Social Norms into SBC

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This tool addresses the gap between formative social norms research and the other phases of the program design cycle to allow for adaptive programming.
Cover art for Tested Solutions for Quality FP CounselingJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Encouraging Family Planning Counseling That Promotes Meaningful Choice

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This is a package of evidence-based, low-cost SBC solutions that improve the quality of family planning counseling for postpartum women.
Women waiting to receive antenatal counseling and checkups at a clinic in UgandaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Resources for Social and Behavior Change Advocacy in Family Planning

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These two short animations and accompanying briefs show how social and behavior change can support global- and country-level family planning goals.
Screenshot of Behavior Change Impact homepage

Advocacy for Social and Behavior Change

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This page has a suite of tools to help social and behavior change (SBC) champions advocate for the use of SBC in health and development projects.
Improved health outcomes: Before (SBC motivates clients to access services), during (SBC improves the client-provider interaction), and after services (SBC boosts adherence and maintenance)

Circle of Care Model

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The Circle of Care is a holistic model that shows how social and behavior change can be applied across the service continuum to improve health outcomes.