A mother receives postpartum family planning in the DRCGetty Images/Images of Empowerment

Mosquito Net Ownership, Access, and Use: Using SBC to Bridge Gaps

This page includes resources that explain the ITN use:access ratio and provides SBC tools and project examples relating to net distribution and net use.
Screenshot of Behavior Change Impact homepage

Behavior Change Impact: Malaria SBC Evidence Database

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This database presents a collection of over 100 articles describing interventions or studies that address malaria challenges through SBC approaches.
Radio actress for the “Spark of Change” entertainment-education radio soap opera in Guatemala

The Spark of Change Radio Soap Opera

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This entertainment-education radio soap opera promotes good health and nutrition practices for women and children in Guatemala.
A Nigerian radio personality during a call-in program

Nigeria Malaria Social and Behavior Change Tools and Resources

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Breakthrough ACTION and the Nigeria National Malaria Elimination Programme worked to motivate people and providers to prevent, test, and treat malaria.