Pathfinder International and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health EducationPaula Bronstein/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Elevating Social and Behavior Change as an Essential Component of Family Planning Programs

Examine and use the data in this article to advocate for the use of social and behavior change approaches in your family planning programs.
Age and social time graphicUSAID
Three round 1 cards from Empathways

Empathways Print Files

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These resources complement Empathways, a card activity designed to foster trust between family planning service providers and their young clients.
Mother, father, and young sonMwangi Kirubi
Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map website

Provider Behavior Ecosystem Map

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This tool helps family planning and reproductive health program designers think more holistically about provider behavior change.
SBC Flow Chart DRC

SBC Flow Chart: DRC Spotlight

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This Spotlight describes how SBC solutions were applied to increase use of health services and household family health practices in the DRC.
Children in Burkina FasoPhotoshare
An expectant mother arrives at an ANC consultation with her young daughter and husbandSarah Hoibak/VectorWorks/Photoshare
Mother holding babyRichard Nyberg/Photoshare