Nigerian mother holding babyAdrian Brooks/Photoshare
Several women raising their handsUSAID/India

Gender Integration in Social and Behavior Change: What does it take?

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The report and accompanying brief highlight eight promising practices for integrating gender considerations in social and behavior change interventions.
A mother holding her babyU.Ozel.Images/Getty Images
A woman is tested and treated for malaria with her new baby at a health center in UgandaUSAID

Integrating Gender Into the COVID-19 RCCE Response

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This brief makes recommendations on integrating gender into COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement efforts.
Young womanSean Hawkey/Photoshare

Evidence from Mass and Digital Media for Family Planning Among West African Youth

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This literature review presents evidence on the impact of mass media and digital media on young people’s family planning attitudes and behaviors in West Africa.