Radio actress for the “Spark of Change” entertainment-education radio soap opera in Guatemala

The Spark of Change Radio Soap Opera

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This entertainment-education radio soap opera promotes good health and nutrition practices for women and children in Guatemala.
A Nigerian radio personality during a call-in program
Albishirin Ku! radio drama recording in Nigeria
Nigerian men gather to look at integrated SBC referral cardsBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Nigeria Women’s Empowerment Groups

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Women’s Empowerment Groups in Nigeria provide safe spaces for women and strengthen their capacity and agency to practice health behaviors.
Nine Guatemalan mothers gather outside to share experiences and learn from each other

Entre Nosotras: Guide to Form Support Circles

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Esta guía presenta una metodología grupal que promueve espacios de aprendizaje donde las madres comparten experiencias entre sí para aprender entre pares.
Cover image of Herramienta La Voz de las Abuelas: Sabiduría para el cambio y la prosperidadHC3 Patricia Poppe and Karin Estrada

La Voz de las Abuelas: Guide for Participatory Sessions

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Esta guía se usa para llevar a cabo sesiones participativas en las cuales se propicia un foro de reflexión entre abuelas que permite discutir temas de salud.
Three women preparing to bake cakes with a solar oven in KenyaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Audience Segmentation for Nutrition Online Course

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This course teaches how to encourage positive nutrition behavior change by employing segmentation based on needs, attitudes, and behaviors of intended audiences.