mother feeding a child fruit

National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Nutrition Communication in the DRC

This SBC plan outlines actions for addressing persistent malnutrition in the DRC, emphasizing coordinated advocacy and communication strategies.
Malaria diagnostic training in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Pharath Lim/PMI
Chaque dose de la SP vous protège contre la malariaBreakthrough ACTION

Materials to Promote Malaria Prevention and Treatment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Breakthrough ACTION developed posters to encourage pregnant women to take preventive measures against malaria, such as completing antenatal care visits.
Father holds daughter as she gets the malaria vaccine from a male health care worker in the DRC

Materials to Promote the Malaria Vaccine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Breakthrough ACTION developed posters, audiovisual spots, and banners for the launch of the R21/Matrix M malaria vaccine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
A RECO interacting with community members in the DRCBreakthrough ACTION
Young woman wearing a Merci Mon Héros t-shirt in the DRCBreakthrough ACTION

Barriers to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Use in the DRC

This review is intended to guide the adaptation and development of updated SBC approaches and tools to promote access to a wide range of FP methods.
Identification des normes sociales ayant un impact sur la capacité des hommes à discuter de la planification familiale en RDC: Application de l’outil d’exploration des normes sociales (SNET)Breakthrough ACTION