National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Nutrition Communication in the DRC
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Nutrition Strategy Social and Behavior Change Communication, Advocacy Breakthrough ACTIONThis SBC plan outlines actions for addressing persistent malnutrition in the DRC, emphasizing coordinated advocacy and communication strategies.

Provincial Assessment of Barriers to the Adoption of MNCH Accelerator Behaviors in the DRC
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Maternal and Child Health Report Audience Segmentation, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis evaluation report offers recommendations to improve access to and uptake of essential health care services in the DRC.

Exploring Barriers to the Provision of IPTp in the DRC
English Democratic Republic of the Congo Sexual and Reproductive Health, Malaria, Provider Behavior Change Report Social and Behavior Change Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis study identified barriers and facilitators of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine provision in the DRC.

Determinants of RDT Result Use and Malaria Treatment Decision Making in the DRC
English Democratic Republic of the Congo Malaria, Service Delivery, Provider Behavior Change Report Social and Behavior Change Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis report offers recommendations for improving malaria surveillance accuracy and guiding prevention and treatment strategies in the DRC.

Materials to Promote Malaria Prevention and Treatment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Malaria Tool Social and Behavior Change Communication, Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION developed posters to encourage pregnant women to take preventive measures against malaria, such as completing antenatal care visits.

Materials to Promote the Malaria Vaccine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
French Democratic Republic of the Congo Malaria Video/Animation, Tool Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONBreakthrough ACTION developed posters, audiovisual spots, and banners for the launch of the R21/Matrix M malaria vaccine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Resources and Tools to Empower Community Health Workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
French, English Democratic Republic of the Congo Sexual and Reproductive Health, Tuberculosis, Nutrition, Maternal and Child Health, Malaria, COVID-19 Report, Implementation Guidance Social and Behavior Change Communication, Human-centered Design, Community Engagement Breakthrough ACTIONIn the DRC, Breakthrough ACTION co-created solutions to revitalize the role of community health workers, known as RECOs, through a HCD approach.

Barriers to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Use in the DRC
English Democratic Republic of the Congo Sexual and Reproductive Health Literature Review Social and Behavior Change Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONThis review is intended to guide the adaptation and development of updated SBC approaches and tools to promote access to a wide range of FP methods.

Identifying Social Norms Affecting Men’s Ability to Discuss FP in the DRC
French, English Democratic Republic of the Congo Male Engagement, Sexual and Reproductive Health Peer-reviewed, Presentation Slides, Report Social and Structural, Monitoring and Evaluation Breakthrough ACTIONAdapted for use in the DRC, the SNET enabled Breakthrough ACTION to identify social norms affecting male engagement in FP discussions and method uptake.