Couple smiling and a phone

Regional Interactive FP/RH Information Center

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Breakthrough ACTION partnered with a youth think tank to develop a chatbot that addresses sexual and reproductive health questions common among youths.
Graphic image of a computer

Breakthrough RESEARCH Legacy and Learning Series

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This page contains research and tools on provider behavior change, integrated social and behavior change (SBC), advancing SBC measurement, and costing SBC.
Women at a user-testing session in Niger

Introduction to Behavioral Economics Online Course

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This course introduces learners to behavioral economics and describes ways to use behavioral design to improve family planning and reproductive health outcomes.
Several people of different ages

Nigeria Life Stage Flipchart

Breakthrough ACTION developed a flipchart community volunteers can use to facilitate conversations about family planning throughout every life stage.
After action interview in GuyanaBreakthrough ACTION Guyana

How to Use After-action Reviews to Learn and Improve: Lessons From the Breakthrough ACTION Guyana Team

This case study showcases how Breakthrough ACTION used after-action reviews with Guyana’s Ministry of Health to develop a national malaria SBC strategy.