Follow Who Know Road Campaign video stillBreakthrough ACTION

Follow Who Know Road Campaign: Development, Implementation, and Lessons Learned

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This brief describes the process of implementing a SBC video campaign in Nigeria—from developing the campaign concept to producing and airing the videos.
Cover graphic showing people under the flag of South Sudan

Together for Each Other: Transforming South Sudan

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This toolkit promotes gender equity, participatory development, and community action by bringing women and men together to discuss how various aspects of gender impact their well-being.
Two women using the Empathways card deck in TogoWest Africa Breakthrough ACTION

Community Empathways Dialogue Results Brief

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This brief describes an effort to gauge whether the cards contributed to reducing barriers for youth to access family planning/reproductive health services.
Three people in front of microphones as part of the Merci Mon Héros campaignBreakthrough ACTION

Merci Mon Héros

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This multifaceted campaign brought young people and adults together to increase social acceptance of youth access to FP/RH information and services.
Woman with a microphone outdoors wearing a face maskWest Africa Breakthrough ACTION

WABA Community Engagement to Identify and Address Barriers

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This community engagement approach leverages community strengths and resources to address local challenges rather than relying on external support.
Four people walking outside and talking with face masks onDjibril Ouro-Ngao
Graphic of two women doing research
People clapping in a health care facilityPhoto credit: West Africa Breakthrough ACTION
Female community health worker talks to a woman during a home visit in UgandaJonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment