Chaque dose de la SP vous protège contre la malariaBreakthrough ACTION

Materials to Promote Malaria Prevention and Treatment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Breakthrough ACTION developed posters to encourage pregnant women to take preventive measures against malaria, such as completing antenatal care visits.
A RECO interacting with community members in the DRCBreakthrough ACTION
A dog being vaccinated in the DRC

Democratic Republic of the Congo National Multi-Sectoral RCCE Plan

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This plan serves as a blueprint for collaborative action to identify gaps, prioritize global health security needs, and coordinate efforts effectively.
Adolescent girl in a classroom in the DRC
Training participants working in small groups in NigerAntonia Morzenti/Breakthrough ACTION
Behind-the-scenes shot from Drôle de Marché, a francophone mini-series modeling bird flu and rabies.Cori Fordham/Breakthrough ACTION
Super Ami des ChiensBreakthrough ACTION

Super Ami des Chiens Campaign

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The Super Ami des Chiens campaign empowered communities to combat rabies in Guinea using a variety of communication channels.
21 déterminants comportementaux et structurels dan la lutte contre la tuberculose
Family in GuineaBreakthrough ACTION Guinea