Community Workers in Ethiopia Save Lives Thanks to Risk Communication Training
English Ethiopia Global Health Security Success Story Community Engagement, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Risk Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis success story outlines how community workers in Ethiopia play a crucial role in safeguarding public health.
Risk Communication and Community Engagement Success Stories
English Ethiopia, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mali Global Health Security Success Story Community Engagement, Digital, Knowledge Management, Social and Behavior Change Communication, Risk Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThese success stories describe how Breakthrough ACTION enhanced risk communication capabilities for handling priority zoonotic diseases.
Social and Behavior Change to Increase Tuberculosis Care-Seeking in Nigeria
English Nigeria Tuberculosis Fact Sheet/Brief, Implementation Guidance, Report, Technical Guide, Video/Animation Community Engagement, Human-centered Design, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThese interventions increased the number of TB cases identified in Nigeria. The resources include a campaign, job aid, guidelines, and reports.
Nigeria Community Engagement Resources and Tools
English Nigeria COVID-19, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Malaria, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition Implementation Guidance, Tool Community Engagement, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis package of community engagement resources focuses on lifestages and multiplier and gateway behaviors.
Nigeria Women’s Empowerment Groups
English Nigeria Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition Tool Community Engagement, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONWomen’s Empowerment Groups in Nigeria provide safe spaces for women and strengthen their capacity and agency to practice health behaviors.
Malaria Social and Behavior Change Toolkit for Community Health Workers
English, French, Portuguese Malaria, Service Delivery Toolkit Community Engagement, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis toolkit provides high-level guidance to develop malaria social and behavior change training curricula for community health workers.
Outcome Harvesting Evaluation of Social and Behavior Change Activities Focused on Zoonotic Diseases
English, French Guinea COVID-19, Global Health Security Report Community Engagement, Knowledge Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis report discussed an outcome harvesting project to evaluate the success of Breakthrough ACTION Guinea's zoonotic disease portfolio.
Breakthrough ACTION Afrique de l’Ouest
Breakthrough ACTION French Francophone West Africa, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Togo COVID-19, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Provider Behavior Change, Service Delivery Community Engagement, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONRessources, outils et approches développés par West Africa Breakthrough ACTION pour augmenter l'utilisation informée et volontaire des services de PF/SR.
Assessing Merci Mon Héros Exposure and Associated Outcomes
Breakthrough ACTION English Francophone West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger Sexual and Reproductive Health, Youth Presentation Slides Community Engagement, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social and Behavior Change Communication Breakthrough ACTIONThis presentation provides an overview of results from two Merci Mon Héros campaign exposure studies carried out in Côte d'Ivoire and Niger.