Albishirin Ku! radio drama recording in Nigeria
The “Check Am O!” (Go and Check It!) tuberculosis testing and treatment SBC campaign in NigeriaValentine Edoziem/Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria
Cover of the Insights 101 Playbook

The Insights 101 Playbook

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This resource helps users identify, articulate, and incorporate insights into social and behavior change program designs.
Graphic of an African doctor with a mother holding a toddlerBreakthrough ACTION
An Indonesian family sitting around a table playing a gameBreakthrough ACTION
Male medicine vendor speaks with a young man in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria
A university student participates in a co-design workshop in RwandaYagazie Emezi/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

Applying Human-Centered Design to Improve Nutrition Programming Online Course

This course supports SBC programs by providing an overview of how to use human-centered design (HCD) to address nutrition-related behavioral challenges.
Cover image from Ebonyi’s Traditional and Religious Leaders Speak Out to Improve Maternal and Child Health

Ebonyi’s Traditional and Religious Leaders Speak Out to Improve Maternal and Child Health

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This case study describes how Breakthrough ACTION worked with religious and traditional leaders to improve maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition.