Video still of an adult holding a toddler in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION

Finding Childhood TB Cases in Nigeria

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This video shows how Breakthrough ACTION worked with partners in Nigeria to find missing tuberculosis cases among children.
An Indonesian family sitting around a table playing a gameBreakthrough ACTION
Follow Who Know Road Campaign video stillBreakthrough ACTION

Follow Who Know Road Campaign: Development, Implementation, and Lessons Learned

This brief describes the process of implementing a SBC video campaign in Nigeria—from developing the campaign concept to producing and airing the videos.
Cover graphic showing people under the flag of South Sudan

Together for Each Other: Transforming South Sudan

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This toolkit promotes gender equity, participatory development, and community action by bringing women and men together to discuss how various aspects of gender impact their well-being.
Empathways WABAWest Africa Breakthrough ACTION

Community Empathways

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Ces cartes sont une activité conçue pour emmener les jeunes et les leaders adultes de leur communauté dans un voyage dynamique et engageant.
Four people walking outside and talking with face masks onDjibril Ouro-Ngao
People wearing face masks waiting inside an auditorium to get the COVID-19 vaccine for freeSuprabhat Dutta/iStock
Five recommendations slide

Using Digital Technologies in Youth-Focused SBC Programs for FP/RH

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This brief and accompanying videos describe five recommendations family planning programs can adopt when using digital technologies to reach youths.