Nigeria Provider Behavior Change Learning Briefs

These learning briefs detail how Breakthrough ACTION worked with health care providers in Nigeria to provide quality services.
Malaria diagnostic training in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Pharath Lim/PMI
Nigerian woman reading a radio script on World Malaria Day
Man receiving the COVID-19 vaccine in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Working With Health Care Providers in Nigeria

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Breakthrough ACTION worked with providers in Nigeria to leverage peer influence and strengthen their interpersonal communication skills.
At a clinic in Kingabwa, Francine has her blood pressure taken before receiving her contraceptive method of choice, an implant. She is a participant in a local program organized by Action Humanitaire pour le Développement Durable Intégral Congolais (Humanitarian Action for Congolese Sustainable Development) and supported by le Fonds pour les Femmes Congolaises (The Fund for Congolese Women).Getty Images/Images of Empowerment

The Caregiver-Client Relationship Course

This course equips medical and nursing students with vital communication skills to enhance caregiver-client trust and health care outcomes.
A health care provider vaccinates a newborn in its mother's armsUSAID Tanzania