Two women from the Media Epidemiology, Infodemic Management, and Social and Behavior Change (EIS) Fellowship Program smiling

Media Preparedness Training for Outbreaks

This fellowship equips media professionals with epidemiology, infodemic management, and SBC skills to communicate health information during outbreaks.
The “Check Am O!” (Go and Check It!) tuberculosis testing and treatment SBC campaign in NigeriaValentine Edoziem/Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria
Nigerian men gather to look at integrated SBC referral cardsBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Nigeria Women’s Empowerment Groups

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Women’s Empowerment Groups in Nigeria provide safe spaces for women and strengthen their capacity and agency to practice health behaviors.
Male healthcare worker counseling male patient in a vaccination clinicBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Building Trust and Empathy Around COVID-19: A Client-Centered Communication Approach Online Course

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This course is designed to equip health workers with tools to address vaccine hesitancy and to promote COVID-19 prevention, testing, and vaccination.
Video still of an adult holding a toddler in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION

Finding Childhood TB Cases in Nigeria

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This video shows how Breakthrough ACTION worked with partners in Nigeria to find missing tuberculosis cases among children.
Follow Who Know Road Campaign video stillBreakthrough ACTION

Follow Who Know Road Campaign: Development, Implementation, and Lessons Learned

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This brief describes the process of implementing a SBC video campaign in Nigeria—from developing the campaign concept to producing and airing the videos.
Male medicine vendor speaks with a young man in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria
Cover of the Women’s Empowerment Group Operational Guidelines

Women’s Empowerment Group Operational Guidelines

These operational guidelines provide step-by-step instructions on implementing the Women’s Empowerment Group model with a focus on health-related issues.