AFCON #TeamVaccine TV Spot

AFCON #TeamVaccine Campaign

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Breakthrough ACTION developed campaign materials to promote vaccine uptake among 2023 AFCON football fans.
Man receiving the COVID-19 vaccine in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Working With Health Care Providers in Nigeria

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Breakthrough ACTION worked with providers in Nigeria to leverage peer influence and strengthen their interpersonal communication skills.
SBC in Family Planning Message Framework

SBC in Family Planning Message Framework

Breakthrough ACTION created this message framework to simplify advocating for SBC in family planning programs.
Several people working on step 4 of participatory data analysis process in Guinea
Behind-the-scenes shot from Drôle de Marché, a francophone mini-series modeling bird flu and rabies.Cori Fordham/Breakthrough ACTION
21 déterminants comportementaux et structurels dan la lutte contre la tuberculose
A group of people gathered around a red boat in South Sudan
Family in GuineaBreakthrough ACTION Guinea
Staff from the MOH in TanzaniaKristina Granger/USAID

Applying a Provider Behavior Ecosystem Lens to Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Services

This brief explores how the Provider Behavior Ecosystem map can be used to better understand and thereby address challenges in MNCH services.