Using Digital Mobile Technology to Complement Community and Mass Media Interventions

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These briefs describe how Breakthrough ACTION used mobile technology to share health messaging, disseminate mobile reminders, and as a learning tool.
Nigerian woman reading a radio script on World Malaria Day
A RECO interacting with community members in the DRCBreakthrough ACTION
AFCON #TeamVaccine TV Spot

AFCON #TeamVaccine Campaign

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Breakthrough ACTION developed campaign materials to promote vaccine uptake among 2023 AFCON football fans.
Man receiving the COVID-19 vaccine in NigeriaBreakthrough ACTION-Nigeria

Working With Health Care Providers in Nigeria

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Breakthrough ACTION worked with providers in Nigeria to leverage peer influence and strengthen their interpersonal communication skills.
Behind-the-scenes shot from Drôle de Marché, a francophone mini-series modeling bird flu and rabies.Cori Fordham/Breakthrough ACTION
Sleeves Up COVID-19 campaign Guyana

Guyana Research Findings

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Breakthrough ACTION Guyana's research on SBC support for malaria testing and treatment among gold miners and the development of a rumor-tracking system.